Correct and rejuvenate with a...
A Facial for your V, these treatments focus on the mons pubis, bikini line, and outer labia. Vajacials treat and prevent ingrown hairs, exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, brighten dull skin, treat discoloration and hyperpigmentation, and provide nourishment and hydration to the skin.
Experience the luxury of our vajacials at Nirvana Day Spa, featuring the exclusive Dermastart Prana Spaceuticals V-Collection. Specially formulated for the intimate area, these pH-balanced products ensure a gentle yet effective treatment.​
The V-Collection provides a mild exfoliation suitable for post-waxing or shaving, while also effectively preventing issues such as folliculitis and hyperpigmentation. This innovative system brings underlying pigmentation to the surface and continues to exfoliate over several days, thanks to its inclusion of tyrosinase inhibitors for lasting results.
In addition to our high-quality professional products, each vajacial treatment incorporates high-frequency technology. This method effectively addresses various skin concerns, from acne and burns to irritation from waxing and ingrown hairs, ensuring a comprehensive and soothing experience.